Basic Information

“Hey-hey-hey!! Ya wanna play? Let’s play!”

Name: Akiko Saiko
D.O.B.: November 13th
Age: 24 Yrs Old
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Orientation: Pansexual, Polyamorus
Place of Origin: Earth - ENYO
Height: 5’3” (160 cm)
Weight: 165 lb (74.8 kg)
Blood Type: O -

Interesting Facts

  • Smells like tons of cheap cotton candy perfume.

  • Can't cook. She can eat her own cooking just fine, but she's built different.

  • Used to have glasses.

  • Still smokes sometimes despite hating the taste.

  • Is afraid of legged reptiles (lizards, geckos, bearded dragons, etc.)


  • Games! Loves loves loves a good game! Card games are her favorite!

  • Sweets! Sweet things are so yummy!

  • Play fighting! Wrestling and all that is just so fun!!


  • Surprisingly, she hates smoking and alcohol. It just doesn't agree with her palate.

  • Bitter and sour things, belothed.

  • Being pressured into doing something. She will start a fight.


Primary Class: Scout (Slugger)
Secondary Class: Medic (Trauma Certified Registered Nurse)
Primary Class Bonus Trait: +2 to Attack Rolls

Equipment & Weaponry

  • Electric Chainsaw, literally

  • Taser

  • Playing cards

  • Six metal hair sticks

  • A beaten up polaroid, the people in the photo seem happy

  • Friendship bracelet from Niraya

  • Nintendo DS. Games vary.

Additional special training or skills

  • Extensive Combat Training

  • Extensive Weapon Training (Emphasis on Improvised Weapons)

  • Desensitized to death.

  • "Slugger" - Though not built for speed, this scout has real practice at hitting hard. Once you're caught by them, there's no way you're coming out unscathed.

  • Trauma Nurse - Your resident emergency medic when you're in a pinch out on the field!


[ATTACK] Electrified:
Roll a 1d20 to stun the target.
If a character succeeds in the attack roll, the opponent is stunned for one round.
One recovery round must be permitted between successful shocks.
[ATTACK] [DEFENSE] Hunting Instinct:
A post round is skipped to focus on an opponent, as a result a +5 bonus can be added in the next post round. It must always skip a round between attempts.
[ATTACK] [STATUS] Last Stand:
+5 when in critical health. Results in bleeding out/ shock after 3 post rounds. [SINGLE USE]
[DEFENSE] Thick Skinned:
+5 on defensive rolls against attacks; consequence if hit, an additional -2 HP to injury
[DEFENSE][STATUS] Rolls With the Punches:
Once down to half HP, user negates 2 HP for every consequent injury.
[DEFENSE] Know Where It Hurts:
Reduce HP losses by 3 to the user when taking physical injuries. Medics can deflect the greatest impact to less ‘dangerous’ areas of the body.

Physical Profile


A short female of Asian descent, long black hair in two heart shaped buns, two pink and green braids escaping from either side, and two metal hair clips in the shape of hearts keeping the braids together. Prosthetic eyes that are half green and half pink, with a heart iris let her see the world. Sharp teeth resembling a shark, scars on particular parts of her body, some obviously self-inflicted.


A very childish and bubbly personality, Akiko is likely a breath of fresh air to some and overbearing to others. She loves talking to people and making friends wherever she goes! She's a very touchy person, loving to give hugs, hand holding, friendly kisses, etc. She also loves to tease, to test her limits, and play fight. But, don't be fooled, she's much smarter than she lets on. Sometimes her hugs are ice cold, and her smiles feel practiced. But it's nothing to worry about! She also loves to play games. The more dire the consequences, the more she's entertained by it. Do you want to play one with her?

Medical Notes

  • Both of her eyes are highly sophisticated prosthetics that are both aesthetically pleasing and extremely functional. She CAN see in the dark.

  • Self-harm scars on the left leg and right arm.

  • Battle injuries: gunshot wounds to the left shoulder (healed), right shoulder (healing), right arm (healing), hip (healing), mild burns on her arms (healing) and a deep scar on the right leg, seemingly from some sort of stab wound.

  • Seems to have broken certain bones multiple times.

  • The serial number “SAI-0687” is hot iron branded onto her neck.

Physical Notes

  • Suffers from low impulse control.

  • Aggressive behavior, disagreements always end up being physical altercations, but like.. play fighting.

  • Minimal sleep needs

  • High energy nearly at all times

  • Risk seeking tendencies.

history (tl;dr)

TW: Mentions Of Gore, Mutilation, Self Harm, Unhealthy Relationships, Death, And Violence.

  • Born in ENYO with a twin sister, and raised by a single dad, Akiko learns to fight and fight well early in life.

  • Participates in “The Tournament” in the place of her dad, who had been chosen by lottery. The Tournament is a series of death matches to name one winner. It happens every two years. She wins using underhanded tactics and a lot of other skills too. Gets both of her eyes replaced as a reward.

  • The family plans an escape, but is delayed because Akiko has a mental breakdown.

  • While being helped in the medical ward, a leader of ENYO visits her often, and develops a romantic relationship with her (briefly). He says if she wins the upcoming tournament he’ll let her family leave ENYO. Akiko takes it.

  • Volunteers to be a competitor, like she promised, but her sister is “pulled” from the lottery. They both make the hard decision to try to get them both to the finals, and for Akiko to kill her. It is not quick, even if they both wanted it to be, and Akiko wins. Her eyes are upgraded (she can see in the dark now).

  • Akiko and her father are able to leave as promised.

  • On their travels, the two help a group of traveling medics named Moon Phase and become their guards in exchange for medical knowledge.

  • The group meets and helps a young woman named Niraya, who they bring to her home settlement, Salus, after she’s healed enough. She promises to make them all weapons in exchange for their kindness. Promising to come back, they leave.

  • Two years later, they come back to chaos. Something about a huge guard snake? Well, they all help as much as they can. Moon Phase leaves, Akiko and her father stay.

history (extended)

Akiko was a twin raised by a single father in a settlement called “ENYO”. ENYO has a battle focused culture revolving around the constantly changing state of Guards, biomes, and Mars technology. Children are taught strategy, hand to hand combat, and start weapons training in their teens. Akiko was more of a brute than her sister, Fume, favoring the thrill of battle, planning her moves in the moment, than the preparation of long term strategy and tactics. But when the girls were permitted to fight as a duo, they were nearly unmatched."The Tournament" is a bi-yearly series of death matches sponsored and organized by the leaders (called Administrators) of the settlement. Every two years sixteen competitors come in, only one will live. Half are returning winners and the other are chosen by lottery, which is how Akiko's father was almost pulled into the mess. Akiko immediately chose to take his place, she had turned eighteen (the bare minimum to participate) the week before.Lottery "winners" have two days to prepare before the official start of The Tournament begins. Akiko and Fume formulated a plan designed to get the opponent to falter, just enough to make them sloppy enough to overpower. Both found weaknesses that Akiko could exploit; things opponents would rather forget, partner status/partner preferences, and even specific fetishes (if applicable) were on that strategy table. The Admins were also well known to favor winners that caused a lot of drama. Akiko was an underdog, so underhanded methods were her best bet of survival. If the Admins were in her favor, it wouldn’t guarantee her win, but it would at least make it more likely.In the end, Akiko survived by the skin of her teeth. Even with the help of her sister and her own abilities, it was still her first time actually killing people. The first couple of fights were hard, but she had gotten used to seeming human, even though she felt like anything but. Winners of The Tournament get something everyone in ENYO seeks: their choice of either one prosthetic or one body modification. This was how she earned her first robotic eyes.Soon after Akiko's win, she and her family started planning their escape from the settlement. Which was pushed back a year due to Akiko's eventual psychotic break. It turned into a string of self harm and needless self sacrifice as a means to eventually attempt to end her own life. Killing comrades in a blood sport was so different from anything she had ever done by that point, it was inevitable that she would crumble. She was sent to the medical ward to recover from her self-inflicted injuries as well as to endure the pathetic amount of counseling ENYO provided.Akiko was visited plenty by an Admin during her stay, one who had become unnaturally attached to her. He was much older, probably by ten or twenty years, but he treated her so gently that Akiko didn't object to his advances. She was so broken at that point that it didn't matter what he did. He was just another source of comfort, no matter how much it made her want to vomit.She didn't know how he found out, but he knew that she and her family were planning to leave. He struck a deal, if she can win the upcoming tournament, he would let her and her family go without a fuss. They both knew what would happen if she lost. Akiko knew something was off. She did. But there wasn't much of a choice. She agreed.Despite protests from her father and Fume, the tournament consumed her once again. Akiko stood next to the volunteers. All hell broke loose when her sister’s name was called as a lottery “winner”. Akiko had to be held back from starting a fight with the Administrator that pulled Fume’s name, because she saw that it wasn’t pulled at all. Deliberate sabotage and two girls having to fight to survive. This was what that horrible feeling was. And she fell for it.The two days before the official start of the battles, they had a solid plan. Use the former strategy of underhanded methods to get them both to the finals. Her sister insisted on going with the Admin’s deal, which would mean she’d die. Akiko vehemently objected to this, but in the end she couldn’t find another solution or guarantee. They cried. They cried a lot before the matches began.They did become finalists in the end, it was not a quick death, like either would have wanted it to be. The Admins wouldn’t have let it be a win if it was. There needed to be struggle, predator and prey reversing constantly, before the silence of someone choking on their own blood would be the only thing haunting the air. Akiko won, her eyes were upgraded to signify it, and the Admin who struck that deal did not back down on his word.With small bags over their shoulders, only essentials and a select few mementos, Akiko set out with her father, who held her hand tightly. They left and never looked back. She was twenty, no longer a twin, but still with a loving father. A father, who she knew, wished he had done much more for her.

Surviving without ENYO was challenging in its own way, but it didn’t take long for them to find a group to accept them. They had traveled to a few other settlements at this point, and one had offered to give them food and shelter for a few days in exchange with helping them and their guard problem. Two Canid Guards had been spotted near the outskirts of their territory and if they found and dismantled them they were set. Neither father or daughter saw it as a particular challenge, hell, they started to make it a competition. It was only when they heard screaming at the location they had been provided that they took it with any amount of seriousness.Though some were quite injured, no one had died by the time the two showed up. The people they helped were not part of the settlement, they were actually a group of traveling medics. They called themselves Moon Phase, and they had been heading to where the two were going back to. They didn’t know how the talk started, but they all eventually left together in Moon Phases’ van, this time Akiko and her father as personal guards in exchange for medical knowledge. It was something that, at the time, both lacked any experience with.

It would be a year before Akiko met one of her best friends. Moon Phase had actually been setting up camp near a river when they spotted her. A fairly short young woman was walking towards the camp. She was caked in dirt, covered in bruises and scrapes, and she was favoring her left leg which made her limp. Of course the medics started assisting, as kind hearted as they were, but Akiko was highly suspicious of her.The young woman was carrying a technical masterpiece of a rifle, but had no party. There was no way a long range fighter wouldn’t have a partner to help keep things from getting too close. It was only after hearing the poor things, delusional, love and loss that she pushed the suspicion to the side for a bit. She had been there, she knew how the brain could be. Akiko did have a name to call her though, Niraya Quinn.Niraya’s injuries didn’t take much time to heal, with her foot resting in the van and her pulling her weight by fixing up equipment and weapons for the group when able, she was well loved as well. In fact, Niraya and Akiko bonded quite well after sharing traumatic stories. It came for Akiko to say goodbye to her friend when Moon Phase had decided to assist Salus, which had actually been Niraya’s home settlement. They all found out about PAX’s fall during their stay, which had happened a few days after Niraya’s return.Though it seemed to shock those who lived in Salus, it didn’t phase Akiko or her father, it was just inevitable to them. Mars was not one to communicate well with those it left behind. Moon Phase was due to leave, but Niraya asked them to come back as soon as they were able. She wanted to make them all proper weapons, as a thank you for the safe return. They all promised, Akiko gave her one half of a set of hair sticks, just to be sure she would return. Then they left.

It took two more years before Moon Phase found its way back to Salus, but apparently at a really bad time. Something about a huge blender snake? Ah, well, they were all medics and felt obligated to help, and did so. Akiko and her father finally put that medical knowledge to work too. Though Moon Phase had moved on, Akiko and her father stayed. For what reason? Ah, well, it just seemed like fun.


Discord ID: balderdash
Relevant Social Media ID: @balderdashart on instagram
Preferred Name: Els/Balderdash/Balder
Pronouns: They/Them
RP Style Preferences: HC and short form rps!